Friday, July 31, 2009


aids stands for acquired, immune, difiency, syndrome. you cant get it if you hug someone, share food of sit by them.i got 8/10


it about all taxes people have to pay and if they dont they might get fined or go to jail. i got on the quiz 7/10.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My Dreams

my dream career is to be doctor , lawyer or a singer because when i was little i always used to play these and now i want them to come true. ppl say you get alot of money also i relly like helping people...............

Monday, July 27, 2009


i want to learn how to speak in french. You might be saying to yourself why does she wants to speak that language?i dont know it sounds cool and its like spanish. i also want to learn how to speak many others too................

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Brainpop-William Shakespeare

I watched the movie and william was a great writer in the english language.Also he was born in England in 1564 , he got married at age 18.he was also a actor.he died in 1616 at age 52. i scored a 5 out of 10 which is so horrible.......


When i graduate from 8th grade i wanna go to The reforming arts hs or any other hs that is about music, singing, and filming. it would be really cool and exciting if i go to that school and i get buddy quaneisha also wants to come to one of these hs too.

Friday, July 17, 2009


it was about dreams but scientist cant figure out why we dream and if the brain develops it.when your dreaming your eyes move.thats rapid eye movement. they say our dreams may not mean anything..i scored 7 out of 10 its ok


i saw the movie and it was about people bullying which is not good because that hurts peoples feelings but you can do somethin about it.. i scored 10 out of 10! i did real good..awseome

Friends not so Forever

when i culminate i dont want to leave this school cuz its cool and im gonna miss my friends who were always there for me when i needed them they also gave me advice and supported me.. but once we leave we might go to differnt high schools..i might not see them anymore ;(


my topic will be about life situations.......


I would like to visit Miami because all my favorite celebreties live there and if im over there i might have a chance to meet them and might get to talk to them.also because there's also beatiful beaches!!!!!!!!!!!also i would love to visit guatemala because my parents talk about how beatiful it is over there...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Brainpop Videos

i watched the Mp3 video at i learned that mp3 stands for MPEG 1 audio layer-3 and that MPEG stands formoving pictures experts group.......also the mp3 gets rid of the sound you dont hear...i took the pop quiz and i scored 10 out of 10...COOL!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Books I've Read

The Books i've read are:
Fear Street Books
What my girfriend doesn't know
and more......
I recommend these books because they are really good they have googd descriptions and the authors are good writers.They get your attention.Maybe sometime you could read them sometime.....

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Twilight by Stephanie Meyer

I really love twilight because it is about a vampire and a human who are in love. Also after i finished reading the book i saw the movie. The book was way better because they change of parts and they didn't show some too. I can't wait to read New Moon because the movie will soon come out!!!!!!!!!!!!!